26 October 2009

These are a few of my favorite things

I can read, I swear. I just don't.  But I have been recently.  I got a high school book list off the internet and I think I'm gonna work my way through it.  Heaven know I didn't do it in high school.  The only books I remember reading were Brave New World and Slapstick.  Remember enjoying them both...  Anyway.  So far I've read The Five People You Meet In Heaven, Slaughterhouse Five, The Bell Jar and a couple of Spanish kids books.  This is progress people!
And, because I like fall and I had fun making them, I leave you with some "leaf" chip pictures.  Besides, this post needed some imagery. 


12 October 2009

U2 Concert

So here's us at the U2 concert.  You'll remember from this post how we were able to afford these tickets. To me, the stage looks like an angry spider.  Maybe it's angry cause it only has 4 legs and those really huge fangs.  I dunno.  It was weird. 

I can't say that I was all that impressed with the show.  I thought the encores could have been way more powerful and that they ended the show kind of floundering.  Here's a picture of the stage, or rather, the screen above the stage.  At least the screen did cool things.

06 October 2009

Because Fall Is My Favorite

Did I mention that I love fall foods or fall for that matter? Well, I do. Maybe banana bread isn't exactly a fall food but I had like a million bananas in the freezer that I needed to use up. So, I decorated them with fun fall motifs.
And some of you aren't believing me when I say that baking with beans is good so I did a little taste test. I made identical batches of banana bread but one has 1/2 cup of butter and one has 1/2 cup of pinto beans. Visually, there is no difference. (You may say that one has more walnuts but it may just be the slice - technically the are equal.) Texture-wise, the one with beans is a bit denser. But the flavors were the same. Some people even said the one with beans had more banana flavor or more spice. Mind you, those taste testing for me didn't know which was which. Final results. Baking with beans is still good. Seriously people, just try it!
And for more fall fun. Some friends and I got together for some holiday craft fun. I made this festive centerpiece that I can use for Halloween and Thanksgiving. And, it was my first decoupage experience! Fun stuff. You really can't mess it up!
And the reason for all of this fun is...
Seriously. Got any good fall recipes, crafts or traditions?

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