17 May 2012

Swim Class

He's been in "swim" class since he was 5 weeks old.  He's so comfortable in the water. And, he sleeps SOO good after class.  Such a sweet little man!

Click Here If You Want More...

07 May 2012

Liam 3 Months

Gettin' so big, and such a happy boy!

13 April 2012

All About Liam, so far...

Asleep on his Aunt Stacy. She make it look so easy and effortless.
 Xenises como su papi! Already a Boca fan?
 His first playdate, with little Andrew.
One of Liam's favorite places at one of his favorite times of day - his late afternoon, post-feeding daddytime cat nap. I personally think he's crankier when he doesn't get it!
 The obligatory bath time photo complete with light blue washcloth sarong.
 More daddytime - Pata Sucia! I love that little head safely cradled by those giant hands!
This is my favorite hug. When I'm holding Liam and Diego hugs the two of us together. That man loves this kid so much I have to make sure he kisses me every time he kisses him so I don't get jealous.  I'm not kidding.
 There were no pictures of me so I've been making Diego take some. I guess I should give a little leeway. I've got my boob out half the time.
 Seriously people!!!  What's not to love???  He loves to smile. And I love that he loves to smile.

08 April 2012

Easter 2012

This is the only article of clothing that I actually bought for him.  I think it was an excellent purchase...  His hair looks a tad red here, mostly it's just dirty blonde. He's so freakin' cute!
 We went to a baby blessing of a friend of ours on Easter Sunday. Next year Liam might be big enough for an Easter Egg Hunt. We shall see. Seriously though, how do you not love little baby vests!?

06 April 2012

Liam, month 2

03 April 2012

Stretchy Faces

My favorite part of the day is when I "unleash the Krackin" as my father calls it. He still like to be swaddled when he sleeps so when we let him loose this is what we get. This isn't even the best at showing how awesome his stretchy faces are and probably only family will enjoy them but here it is anyway.

He makes the BEST faces. And I just LOVE when he throws both of this arms up in the air,points his finger,  arches his back, tilts his head and makes his stretchy face.

Ah. Life is good.

30 March 2012

Family Who Visited

We were so lucky to have to much family come visit and help out. First there was Diego's mother.  She came from Argentina the week before Liam was born. Gracias a Abuelita Gladis por tu ayuda!
Then my little sister came to get her baby fix.  She was a super help when I needed a shower or a nap or to generally keep sane.
Then my parents came for Liam's blessing. My mother taught me to play and sing with Liam (something I had been too stressed to think about doing).
My father pampered me with cooking, cookware and extra food for the freezer!
He claims he was pretty hands off when we were kids.  I think he likes being a grandpa though.  Here he is keeping Liam happy while mommy finishes pumping her milk.
Thanks to everyone who helped and visited during that very difficult beginning! I have the best family!

25 March 2012

Blessing Day

Little Liam's amazingly cute blessing outfit lovingly made by his adopted grandma Jolene! How doesn't love a little tiny vest and bow tie!? AND... she stitched his name and blessing date on the cuff of one of his pant legs! She's pretty amazing!
 The proud parents!!!
 4 generations. Liam's mom, grandma and great-grandma from his momma's side!
 The Argentines - what I consider to be Diego's family here in Arizona.
I gotta say it was nice to finally return to church. I was surprised by a flood of emotion as I walked the hall to take Liam to the Mother's Lounge.  I was a welcomed manifestation of the Spirit!

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