Quiz My Friends
So I finally did it. Now you do it. Take it. You know ya want to. Do it. Just do it. It'll be fun. He he.
So I finally did it. Now you do it. Take it. You know ya want to. Do it. Just do it. It'll be fun. He he.
So Con Karla (on the right) and I planned a party where she cooked Mexican food and I FINALLY put on my Family Feud game. Fer real! This thing was like 3 years in the making. I acutally sent out a lengthy survey, got back 100 responses and took like 12 years to compile it all. My Padre made the stand to hold the "survey says" results on. I even spray painted a touch light red for a "buzzer." There really is TOO much going on in my head sometimes. It's just too bad I can't put it to better use. Spencer and Karla. I really made them shake hands and put one hand behind their back. But this competitive tension we are experiencing, that's all them.
I look so tan for some reason. I love it! Thanks ef for making the stand. You're always there for me!
Again to Piedmont Park for me. A group of us went to see "Ferris Bueller's Day Off" for Screen on the Green at the park. It's gotta be the largest outdoor movie screening anywhere and I swear all of Atlanta was there. I kept running into people I knew. Sadly, the only time I pulled out my camera was after the movie, everyone was gone and we few (plus two) stayed around to chill and chat and stuff like that. That's Raphael in the middle. He's from Brazil selling pest control for the summer. Ah, the Bug Boys! We have the most fun teaching him slang and making sure he is "Pissed On!" It's funny the things you don't think about. You can be pissed off but can you ever be pissed on? Besides literally, of course.
I had the opportunity to go to Piedmont Park simply to linger and take pictures. Who takes the time just to be outside and stroll anymore. Anyway. Here are some of my favs. Yeah, I really like the one of me. It's cute. You guys forget that it's my blog and I can plaster it with myself if I want to. Muwahaha...
I was out of town for my good friend's birthDAY so Karla got birthWEEK. We went to dinner at my favorite BBQ place (Swallow at the Hollow in Roswell). This is (front row): Tiffany, Karla, Jeff, Irekefe, me, Spencer (back row)Randall, Joe, Jaime, Kristen, Tony, and Michelle.Karla's birthday dance was with Joe and outside the birthday kiss was from Spencer (EASY! It was on the cheek!). Later in the week, she had her birthday cake complete with birthday candles and birthday wish. Yeah for Birthday Weeks! Joe's a really good dancer, by the way...
For Memorial Day we took an ALL-GIRL trip and stayed in a condo on the beach at Destin, Florida. I stole these pictures from my friend's blog. Somehow, I was the one without a camera this trip. Go figure. It was a good vacation. Only my legs got burned but that just gave me a chance to sit in the sand and build a castle. Also there was the world's longest marathon of Laguna on MTV. Sometimes I love it when there is nothing to do. But only sometimes...Here's all the girls as we are at the Japanese steakhouse for Smashley's birthday. From left to right: Ashley, Laura, April, me, Andrea, Janessa, Jenean, and Sara.
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