Louisiana: Voodoo
This is Marie Laveau - the queen of voodoo. One of the things Diego was interested in seeing was some voodoooooo. So we went to see Marie Laveau's House of Voodoo. Now, if you are interested in voodoo you can look that up yourself but here are some fun pictures for you.An old, dusty voodoo doll - complete with button facial features and bell earrings.
A spooky, scary, in-the-shadows voodoo doll.
Crazy, curly moss hair. It cracks me up!
Many a cigarette offering have been left here. I guess this guy likes Mardi Gras too.
Buck teeth! Do you find these as funny as I do? Is that bad karma, for me to say that?
2 witty retorts:
Those are freaky but cool. Nice shots.
funny? no, those teeth creep me out. ewww.
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