22 August 2009

Welcome to the NEW and, hopefully, IMPROVED blog

So, not only have I redesigned the exterior of our blog but the content will be expanded as well. And here is my 1st post to that effect.

You may be wondering, "Why this change?" It does seem rather sudden. I mean, there haven't been any major happenings that would incite such a change rather it's been a few small things.

#1 - I was reading someone else's blog that looked like mine (black background with white text) and it was hard to read. It was dizzying watching all that white dance across the screen. Now, mostly I've posted pictures (that's good, cause I'm a photographer) and I wanted the black background so it didn't distract from my photos. This brings me to #2.

#2 - I can't get my butt into journalling gear again and I so want to get things off my chest sometimes. So, that's what I'll do, vent, I mean, share other things going on in our lives besides our journeys.

So that's it. Not very grand reasons, but mine nonetheless. I hope you will like it. Let me know if you want to be on the email list for updates (I don't send an update every time I post), or you can just become a follower.

1 witty retorts:

Marianne Sunday, August 23, 2009  

Well I am glad you are reinventing your blog because this has briought it to to attention that you even have a blog. I am looking forward to reading future posts. Blog on sister.

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